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Get to Know Me

Coaching Kids and Families for over 30 years

I grew up in rural central Ohio where families worked together and gathered for picnics and outdoor activity like sports, hiking, and fishing. I participated in high school and college sports and dreamed of  returning to my hometown as a PE teacher and a football coach. I learned along the way that some kids seemed "stuck" and I wanted to know why and how I could help. My interest shifted from education to psychology. I like to say that I earned my doctoral degree on the playground and in the cafeteria. Studying social skills at Penn State, these were the places I spent hours observing the differences between kids who got along with peers and those who were unpopular and aggressive. I realized that many kids needed coaching in the use of tools and skills they were lacking. When I became a parent I understood that parents often need additional tools and skills too! I never became a football coach, but now I get to coach kids and families every day!



Ohio University, BA, 1979-1983

Penn State University, PhD, 1983-1988

Children's Hospital National Medical Center, Intern, 1987-1988

Activities, Associations, & Awards

Community Activities:

  • Board Chair, Raleigh/Wake Partnership to End Homelessness, 2013-2016, 2018-2020

  • Board Member, Raleigh/Wake Partnership to End Homelessness, 2012-2023

  • Staff-Parish Relations Committee, SE Raleigh Table, 2019-Present

  • Safehouse Supper Club, Racial Reconciliation, 2016-Present

  • Lay Leader, ESUMC, 2010

  • Administrative Board Chair, ESUMC, 2009

  • Mission Committee Chair, ESUMC, 1998-2005

  • Board President, NCPA, 1996-1997

  • Legislative Committee Chair, NCPA, 1990-1996

  • Federal Advocacy Coordinator, NCPA, 1990-1994


  • North Carolina Psychological Association, 1988-Present

  • American Psychological Association, 1988-Present

  • Edenton St United Methodist Church, 1993-Present

  • Southeast Raleigh Table, 2016-Present


Mary Clarke Award for Distinguished Service to Psychology in NC, NCPA, 2000

Karl F. Heiser Award for Advocacy on Behalf of Professional Psychology, APA, 1998

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