Child & Teen Therapy
Helping your child be his/her best self
Bringing your child to a psychologist doesn't mean you've failed at being a parent. Rather, it means you recognize that your child is challenged or hurting and needs to get some type of assistance. At Wake Family Psychology, we believe that every child and family wants to succeed, but perhaps has become stuck in negative patterns, has become discouraged, or just has not yet found the most effective solutions to their problems. You may recognize one of the common problems illustrated below:
"There's too much tension at home. We're always fighting over homework and chores."
"She has always gone through ups and downs, but lately she hasn't been able to snap out of this down period. She's been withdrawn for weeks."
"I just want him to feel more hopeful and happy about school. If there is some obstacle holding him back I want to find out what it is."
There are many ways a psychologist can assist you or your child. We advise you to consider talking with a psychologist when your child or adolescent is . . .
Having problems controlling anger
Getting into trouble at school or at home
Having problems with friends, or
Dealing with a major life change such as separation, divorce, death, or relocation
All children go through short periods of sadness, irritability, or difficulties with family, friends, or school. However, when problems persist, it's time to get help.